Public Meeting April 25 in Speculator
DEC Seeks Input for Managing Recreational Opportunities on Perkin’s Clearing-Speculator Tree Farm Conservation Easement Tract Public Meeting Scheduled in Speculator on April 25, Comments Accepted Until May 11 The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is seeking public input regarding public recreation on the 39,579-acre Perkin’s Clearing – Speculator Tree Farm Conservation Easement […]
Diehard Update: 4/2/2018
Update 4/7/18 With a fresh 5 inches of snow down, it’s looking like winter wonderland anew. Technically, trails and roads on State owned and managed lands are closed for snowmobiling now. If you DO decide to ride, be aware you’ll likely encounter large fallen trees from this week’s powerful wind storm. As per NYS DEC: […]
Diehard Update 3/27/18
It’s that slow death time of year in ilsnow land when the late March sun just eats away at anything exposed. But it has been rain-free and temperatures have fallen well below freezing at night, so nothing has gotten washed away. Even the lakes have remained good riding. But that will change as we get […]
Quickie Speculator Run: Ride 3/22/18
Indian Lake Village trails were hard in the morning. C8/Sabael trail was in good shape for the first 2+ miles, then brutally rough for the next mile until I got to Furnell’s Field due to the fact the groomer can’t pass through there anymore with the washouts. Trail from Route 30 down to Indian Lake […]
Get it while we got it! Ride 3/21/18
Wednesday started cloudy and cold with the Parks and Recs groomers making their rounds. Snow cover in the exposed roadside areas in town was 6 inches or less with bald spots growing. But snow pack “in the woods” was still upwards of 1-2+ feet. Indian Lake village trails were snirty with some dirty corners, but […]