Screamen Eagle

Got Snow! Update 11/27/18

I woke up to 9 inches of new snow at the ilsnow storm center Tuesday morning and you can see what it looked like outside my window in the above picture. There was a TON of snow on the trees. Blue Mountain Lake had around a foot from the storm. Snow pack throughout ilsnow land […]

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How To Register Your Snowmobile in New Hampshire.

You can receive a $30 discount on your registrations by joining a snowmobile club.

Community Connector Snowmobile Trail Hearing

Amendment Proposes Multi-Use Community Connector Trail Along Route 28 Public Meeting Nov. 28 at Raquette Lake Free Union School, starting 6pm  Deadline for Comment is Dec. 7, 2018 The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is seeking public input regarding a proposal in an amendment to the Blue Ridge Wilderness Unit Management Plan […]

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More Winter, then? Update 11/15/18

Our early start to winter has got us pumped! It’s great to see that November has been colder and snowier than expected, after an up-and-down start to the month. With snow cover spreading across North America faster than climatology, things are looking good: This development, along with several other factors I have looked at, is […]

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Shot of Winter for next week! Update 11/8/18

The handwriting has been on the wall for a while about a possible significant winter-like storm focused around Tuesday, November 13th. I’ve been posting my thoughts on the Facebook page. Of course, there will be some weather before the November 13th event.  A vigorous low-pressure system will roll through here later Friday into early Saturday.  […]

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Looking into November: Update 10/28/18

The second week of October got rather warm, making us wonder if summer would ever truly leave. But, the past couple of weeks have been pretty cold (for mid-late October) with our first smatterings of snow, including the sleet-fest we had Saturday in Indian Lake: It never got cold enough on Saturday for much real […]

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