Yes! Indian Lake Recon 1/9/19
5 inches of new snow over the past couple days had done us a bunch of good! After my snow removal chores were complete, I took to the trail. So I headed out of Town on C8. The plan was to see if I could have a half-way decent ride out to Deer Valley. It […]
Perkins Clearing and Moose River Plains: Ride 1/3/19
Got about 3 inches of snow here in Indian Lake to start the day, which got me off the couch and on my sled. Crazy Cal decided that Thursday was going to be his day off, after all. So the cast was set. We trailered our sleds down to Mason Lake Parking lot and headed […]
Down, but not out: Update 1/2/19
Well…another rain, thaw and freeze cycle has rolled through ilsnow land. Most places in New York State and even into the Adirondacks have been wiped out. But ilsnow land is still hanging on to some of that November bounty with a hard and icy trail base. The house has burnt down, but the foundation remains. […]
Tough Sledding Continues: Update 12/28/18
Well… Until today, not much new to report on. Trails were as hard as a brick and the washouts had frozen over. I had seen a few snowmobiles bopping around town, so I can say the trails are passable but rough…probably not fun to ride for long distances. Light snows over the past several days […]
New Year’s White Hope? Update 12/22/18
I’m not going to lie: Snowmobiling conditions SUCK right now. That’s what Friday’s 51*F and 2 inches of rain does for us. It’s really that simple. Around town we have a residual 4-10 inch snow pack. Those customary snow bowls on the south-central Adirondacks still hold over a foot. But that’s not the whole story: […]