Mountain Market

Horseshoe Lake into St. Lawrence County

One of my favorite road trips got the call Thursday. Darrin Jr. blew off work again to make the trip with me! Route 421 was its usual frost-heaved mess to Horseshoe Lake. Too bad there isn’t a pork barrel project to fix it! But fun began immediately after we unloaded the snowmobiles and started with […]

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Snowmobiling O-HI-O!

Wednesday morning started at -17*F in Indian Lake, NY. It took much effort to dress for the cold, with enough inner layers to start a thrift store. I used the cheat code and trucked Darrin Jr and myself to Route 8 parking lot in Ohio – a great place to launch from! By the time […]

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Holiday Weekend Snowmobiling Outlook

Groomers are swirling around Indian Lake, NY in places. C8 to Cedar River Headquarters and C8A/Old S84 toward Blue Mountain Lake have been groomed. I’m assuming that Moose River Plains and C8A/Old 538 Newcomb trail have been groomed as well. C8/Sabael trail hadn’t been groomed as of Thursday afternoon. That trail will remain a rough […]

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GRADUAL Improvement this week

Tuesday 1/14/2025 UPDATE: Snow fairies delivered 2-3 inches of snow in town Monday night. Over a half-foot of new snow into Moose River Plains. Hopefully, that’s enough to summon the groomers to work some magic on the narrow woods connector trails this week. Maybe a real snowmobiling weekend here at ilsnow Capital City coming up? […]

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Starting to roll snowmobile track

FRIDAY 1/10/25 UPDATE: Status quo for the week with deep cold and pixie dust snow. Your best bet for this weekend would be to park at Brown’s Farm lot near end of Cedar River Road, plunk down the $10/snowmobile on trailer, ride into Moose River Plains and take the points from there. We need a […]

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