Did you get out and ride Wednesday? Update 3/13/19
Wednesday was the last day of my “weekend” and Crazy Cal blew off work. So we were looking to RIDE, RIDE, RIDE! Temperature around ride time was about 7*F. Heading out of Indian Lake, S84 out toward Blue Mountain Lake was being groomed and in great riding shape. 538/Newcomb trail had a fresh groom and […]
Ride to Speculator & Wells: Update 3/12/19
The day started snowy and C8/Sabael trail was a nice pathway out of town. Indian Lake and Lewey Lake were windswept crossings and the Campsites were the usual brutal trek. Two Miles from Hell was a good ride down to Perkins Clearing. And the groomers were out there bulldozing the bumps and laying down the […]
After work ride to Newcomb: Update 3/11/19
Crazy Cal and I hooked up for an after-work snowmobile ride up to Newcomb. To be honest, I wasn’t feeling all that optimistic about the prospect for a really good ride, on a Monday, before the groomers have had a chance to make multiple rounds after the weekend carnage. Heading out of town on S84/Blue […]
Midweek Outlook: Update 3/10/19
Lots of snowmobiles in town on Saturday and even a decent amount Friday as well. You couldn’t have asked for nicer weather to ride in. Not so much traffic Sunday and with many people probably headed home to get the jump on the weather. Indian Lake got about 3 inches of snow on Sunday with […]
Overnighter: Ride March 6-7, 2019
Since I live in snowmobiling country, I don’t need to take an overnight or weekend trip to ride. I just do it on a day off and sometimes after work, especially as the days continue to get longer. But taking a two-day trip is fun, especially when it’s all by snowmobile! So read on… Day […]