Alicia C. Miller Real Estate

Trail Landowners Appreciation Pancake Breakfast on April 28, 2019

Indian Lake Snowarriors would love to have people at this breakfast to show our appreciation for the land owners who allow snowmobile trails to cross their property each winter. We’ll even have a fun 50-50 drawing to help pay down the new (to us) Newcomb trail groomer which did get a workout in making the ole 538/Newcomb trail […]

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Going, going… Update 4/11/19

For a while in early April, it seemed like winter’s corpse would never go away. But, of course, the strengthening spring sun always wins in the end. And when it does, that snow goes away quickly!! Remnant snow pack ranges from several inches to a foot or two in the shady woods around Indian Lake […]

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Ain’t over until it’s…. Update 4/5/19

With the cold (for April) weather we’ve had here the past several days, snow pack has only been slowly whittled away from roadsides, buildings, southerly exposures and trees. In the woods, there is still 1-2+ feet of snow off-trail. I can tell you that places like Powley Road, Perkins Clearing and Speculator Tree Farm are […]

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No April Fool! 4/1/19 Perkins Clearing Ride

Sunday night’s fresh inch of snow inspired me to take a Perkins Clearing rip, just to say I rode in April. So, I trucked my sled down to Mason Lake parking lot and started from there. I gotta say that if we had gotten several inches of snow, I would have been seriously tempted to do […]

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Last Dance! Update 3/29/19

Wednesday was a great spring ride, but conditions have gone steeply downhill since then. It’s one thing to have warm days. But having it stay mild like it did Thursday night keeps the snow melt going 24/7. Lakes have standing water with the ice getting incrementally weaker by the day. They are certainly “at your […]

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