Mountain Market

Ride to Speculator Tree Farm: Update 2/19/20

Well… Wednesday’s ride was a case of “if you don’t succeed, try again!” In the morning, I started at 6:30am to get a jump on things. Turns out that C8 heading out of Indian Lake toward Cedar River Headquarters had other ideas for me. The trail was studdery, which wasn’t it’s biggest problem. Tuesday night’s […]

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Indian Lake to Childwold and back: Update 2/13/20

Update 2/14/20: Got word that everything around Indian Lake into Moose River Plains got groomed Friday. So, get here early Saturday and ride it! Report 2/13/20 After being the solo warrior for the past couple of days, Crazy Cal and Matty Ice were able to blow off work and join me on Thursday. The Lost […]

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Mega-Miler! Update 2/12/20

I was running solo again on Wednesday and looking to rack up miles and smiles. Sometimes, being an army of one is the best, because I can chose my own path and act quickly! Got going about 9am or so, and headed on C8 out to Cedar River Headquarters, which had received a fresh groom. […]

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Feelin’ Long Lakey: Update 2/11/20

We’ve finally got something close to bona-fide mid winter snowpack here in ilsnow land with snow pack ranging from about 8-12 inches in the “thin spots” to upwards of 18-30 inches. Any day I can ride from the compound and forget the trailer is a GREAT DAY! I wasn’t looking for a mega-miler, just looking […]

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Ride to Salisbury: Update 2/6/20

UPDATE 2/7/20: Got blitzed with 10 inches of white gold at the ilsnow storm center on Friday! Trails in town are a mess with ice and snow laden trees bending down to the ground. Adirondack Lake has DEEP slush that almost made me regret going out there. C8 out to Cedar River Headquarters was a […]

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