Ride to Newcomb: Update 3/4/20
UPDATE 3/5/20: Indian Lake picked up 2 inches of fresh snow Wednesday night! It was snowing pretty hard at times Wednesday morning, although it was having a hard time sticking with 32+ degree temperatures and the higher sun angle. Gotta admit I wasn’t really amped up to ride. But it’s looking like the end is […]
Ride to Ohio: Update 2/28/20
Despite the Blizzard Warning remaining in effect Friday morning, apparently for flurries and some blowing snow on the lakes, I took the calculated risk to go for a long ride. The State highway crews had worked well into the night, repeatedly plowing bare roads so they would be passable for the morning commute. The ride […]
Home cookin! Update 2/27/20
Woke up to a few inches of heavy wet snow Thursday morning around 8am and that was certainly enough to spring me loose for a ride. So after my morning chores, I headed out about 10am or so, with plans to ride up to Newcomb because I hadn’t been that way in a while. S84 […]
Fun in the Sun! Update 2/21/20
After getting chilled to be bone after Thursday’s mega-miler that continued into the evening, I wasn’t in a hurry to get back out there at the crack of dawn in sub-zero temperatures. Friday morning’s low was -17*F and it was only back up to -11*F by 8am. Temperature jumped up to zero by 9am and […]
Mega-Miler! Update 2/20/20
After Wednesday’s ride, I knew another trip to the south would be in order but I wasn’t quite sure where I’d end up. So off I went and almost every trail I touched enroute to Perkins Clearing Road was good to occasionally excellent riding, even C8/Two Miles from Hell and S82C/Old Indian Lake Road. Of […]