Urgent, Important: Please read!
To my friends in New York State Assembly District 114, including Warren County, Essex County, northern Saratoga County and northern Washington County: It is imperative that Republican Matthew Simpson gets your vote on Election Day. Matthew Simpson is Town Supervisor of Horicon and President of the Adirondack Association of Towns and Villages. Simpson’s opponent, Democrat Claudia Braymer is one […]
Public Service Announcement
Unsubstantiated rumors have been going around that NY State may cancel the upcoming snowmobiling season. This has caused many people to hold off re-joining their snowmobile clubs, which is a HUGE mistake. The State’s dire financial straits have prevented many snowmobile clubs from receiving trail fund money generated from LAST WINTER. Our snowmobile clubs need […]
Diehard: Report 3/12/20
UPDATE 3/23/20: Indian Lake picked up nearly 8 inches of snow in a hurry this afternoon. This would have been nice two weeks ago, before we lost the vast majority of our winter snow pack. All state snowmobile associations have closed their trail systems in the Northeast and Canada either voluntarily or by Executive Order […]
Indian Lake local one more time! Update 3/8/20
It was just WAY too nice of a day not to ride around locally. I knew the trails would be passable and I did see a handful of snowmobiles swirl around town. After work, I fired up the 4TEC and got into the game one more time. As I figured, the inner Indian Lake arteries […]
Approaching the last dance! Ride to Oxbow Inn 3/5/20
That two inches of snow Indian Lake got Wednesday night was enough to make it look somewhat like winter again first thing Thursday. Indian Lake Parks and Rec were out grooming the trails and did head out C8 toward Cedar River Headquarters. We chose to make the run down toward Speculator way. C8/Sabael trail had […]