Blue Mountain Rest

Sunshine ride

Mild-ish temperatures over the weekend into Monday morning didn’t help our cause. But it came with very little rain, so not much damage done to the trails. Unfortunately, snow squalls Monday night didn’t leave more than a dusting as everything froze brick hard. But the sun was bright and I wanted to give it the […]

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Binge-a-thon continues!

I can’t make up for missing two weeks of riding. As that old Fleetwood Mac song goes, “Yesterday’s gone…” But I can nail what’s in front of me. After Wednesday’s long (and rough at times) miler, I wanted to go back to what I knew would be great. So I set sail in the direction […]

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More riding!

Nothing was going to top Tuesday’s mega-miler for its epic value, but that doesn’t mean I stop riding when there is plenty of it still to be done. Crazy Cal decided to roll the dice and join me on Wednesday. We did the “C8 bypass” meaning that we trailered to Browns Farm parking lot and […]

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Solo Mega-miler!

Tuesday’s ride was all about racking up miles like the Terminator. I hadn’t made an Ohio or Salisbury run this winter, so I started off in that direction, but was open-ended as to where I’d end up. The way out… The Indian Lake trails were being groomed Tuesday morning. But they hadn’t hit C8/Sabael trail […]

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Back on the saddle!

It really sucked to be without my snowmobile for the past two weeks, which may end up being the best riding conditions of this winter. But I’m thankful the problems with the track suspension that landed my sled in the shop didn’t leave me stranded out in the woods somewhere. I guess the cumulative wear […]

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