Weather Roller Coaster
The end of big game hunting season at sundown, Sunday December 5th marks the beginning of snowmobiling season in the central Adirondacks. It’s looking pretty with a few inches of snow on the ground here. But… Will that build into something rideable for the first week of snowmobile season and into Snodeo? My take? It’s […]
Will Winter be D.O.A. in the Adirondacks?
Each year, I’m asked what kind of winter we’ll have, even while we’re still basking in late summer heat and humidity. My answer? We need to see how weather patterns evolve through autumn before we can hazard a guess as to how winter may jump off the starting blocks. It is no secret that autumn […]
Last dance…
The magic is gone! But you’ll be able to “diehard it” this weekend if you want it badly enough. Leftover snow pack has been whittled down to several inches or less over exposed areas with bare areas expanding daily. There is still upwards of 6-18 inches remaining in the woods: Some snow bowls in the […]
Irish Road Bowling on Saturday, March 27, 2021
Indian Lake Snowarriors are happy to announce their 2021 Irish Road Bowling! CHECK IN: Town Garage at 144 Benton Road, Indian Lake, NY 12842 DATE: Saturday March 27, 2021, 10am – 2pm CHECK IN PROCEDURE: Teams must check in NO SOONER than ½ hour before their confirmed start time to avoid congregating near the start line. If you […]