Indian Lake Trailside Townhouse

Sunday snowmobile stroll, Part 2

I got a text from Crazy Cal Sunday morning, asking me if I wanted to ride. To be honest, I hadn’t planned on riding and was content to stay home. I’d go take a walk to grab some outdoors. But the weather was beautiful and how many rides had I lost due to winter’s late […]

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Newcomb Day!

Indian Lake picked up an inch-and-a-half of powder fluff snow into Friday morning. That set me in the mood for another afternoon of snowmobiling fun. I’ve ridden a lot this week, but hadn’t headed north. So I decided that January 28, 2022 would be henceforth, Newcomb Day. The Indian Lake local trails were in pretty […]

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Midweek Speculator snowmobile run

Another day, another snowmobile ride. We’re finally into that time of winter when I can head out in any direction from the compound and have some fun. On Thursday, I decided to visit my friends to the south. Indian Lake trails had enjoyed a fresh groom by the time I headed out. S87/42nd and Broadway […]

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Ohio, Deerfield, West Canada Trail Riders, Salisbury Ridge Runners loop

For Wednesday’s ride, I did something a bit unusual and trailered to the Route 8 parking lot in Ohio. I did this so I could fully explore areas that I don’t usually get to ride. I also thought it would be nice to enjoy a warm truck ride home – instead of a long, dark […]

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Tuesday snowmobile ride to Stillwater & Beaver River

That fresh two inches of powder-puff snow that I woke up to Tuesday morning made it look like a snow globe. It made me want to go riding! I saw fresh groomer tracks on C8 going out to Cedar River Headquarters. I’m sure it’s ride-able, but I just felt like trucking to the Brown’s Farm […]

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