Adirondack Trail Motel

Got snow! Now what?

7:00am Saturday Update: The big storm delivered! My final tally was 17 inches at the ilsnow storm center in Indian Lake, NY. Saw a report of 20 inches for Piseco. We got snow, FINALLY!!! With nearly no trail base, narrow woods trails have plenty of rocks and mud under the new blanket of snow, which […]

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Looking ahead into the start of snowmobiling season!

Mid-November 2022 fulfilled its promise in a big way, culminating with an epic, blockbuster lake-effect snow event during November 16-21 timeframe. This event mostly avoided the central Adirondacks. But we did score our first real snow of the season November 15-16 with a bit over 4 inches in Indian Lake, NY. Snow cover hung around […]

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Slo-vember (or No-Sno-vember): Is winter behind schedule for the Adirondacks?

If you have to ask the question, you may already know the answer. The first third of November 2022 can be described as dry and mild for ilsnow land. Afternoon temperatures even poked 70*F during the weekend of November 5th/6th in the central Adirondacks. That was nearly as warm as it can get here for […]

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Game over, bro…

60 degree weather Thursday and unseasonable warmth continuing into Friday has plunged our short snowmobiling season toward the point of no return. I’m sure somebody who really wants it could spin off a handful of miles around their camp in a shady snow-bowl in the middle of nowhere. But this weekend’s weather forecast appears damp, […]

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One… More… Time! To Speculator and Wells.

3/14/22 Update Winter in the morning, spring by afternoon, bordering die-hard by evening. That was a mid-March Monday for ya! Did Indian Lake to Perkins Clearing, Speculator and Tree Farm. Won’t get into the blow-by-blow, but I can tell you this is probably my last run from the compound. Indian Lake main arteries were approaching […]

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