Darrin vs. Tug Hill
I missed my chance to ride Tug Hill with friends the day after Christmas. I wanted to give it a whirl before the big warm up comes to town. Got to Smith Road State Parking Lot near Constableville and was ready to head out by 9:30am. There was a long line of trucks-n-trailers parked along […]
Perkins Clearing into Speculator ride
UPDATE: C4 by Oak Mountain has become CLOSED due to LARGE MUDHOLES. Beware of that if you’re contemplating riding into Speculator Village from Perkins Clearing. I pointed the ilsnow mobile command unit to Mason Lake parking lot and hit Perkins Clearing on Tuesday. There were a couple inches of fresh snow that took a few […]
Post Christmas Snowmobiling Update
I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. Lake-effect snow over the weekend was mostly confined to the northwestern Adirondacks, and likely to remain that way through Tuesday. I would say the best bet for riding this week is Moose River Plains (MRP), with deeper snow pack and the best likelihood of some fresh snow to […]
Moose River Plains to Old Forge snowmobile ride
DECEMBER 24, 2022 Update Total precipitation from the storm (rain plus melted snow and sleet) was 2+ inches. Snow pack at my place diminished from 13 inches to 10 inches, so there was at least a few inches of snow pack loss. Temperatures dropped to ZERO Friday night to staunch the bleeding. But the narrow […]
Back on the saddle and out riding!
After performing snow removal for nearly 2 days, it was time for me to play in it! I headed out late Sunday morning and found the expected assortment of plentiful snow and water/mud holes. It was plenty wet around Bear Trap Swamp. Nothing had been groomed around Town yet. But most of the trails were […]