Tupper Lake to Malone snowmobile ride
Last winter, I “discovered” snowmobile riding from Charlie’s Inn to Malone for myself. It has become my favorite road trip. With trails open and grooming in progress up there, I was itching to get there for a ride. But this time, I wanted to try it from Tupper Lake. That would cut at least an […]
More snow
Sunday night’s event deposited 3-6 inches of snow on the central Adirondacks and 6-9 inches along the Route 8 corridor in the Speculator region. After settling, snowpack ranges from several inches in thin/exposed areas to a general 6-12 inches in the shady woods. “Snow bowls” in the back side of Perkins Clearing and the high […]
Got (some) snow
Thursday night into Friday was a true “variable outcome” event through the Adirondacks. Reports ranged from only an inch or two of glop for the Route 8 corridor in southern Adirondacks to 3-4 inches of snow around Indian Lake and up to around a half-foot in Newcomb. Over the western Adirondacks, the temperatures nosed above […]
Rock bottom, now what?
We haven’t had any substantial snowfall in weeks, to the point it’s fair to wonder if this winter is a completely lost cause. As we rolled through autumn I saw a number of strong and obvious signals, indicating that winter could stumble out of the gate, possibly into January. You can click onto this post […]
Slim Pickin’s in Perkins Clearing
I hadn’t ridden in two weeks and was desperate to get in a bit of snowmobile riding Wednesday, even though I was expecting marginal conditions at best. Fortunately, Mason Lake parking lot is a short haul from Indian Lake, so it was worth a shot. I unloaded my sled at the lot and was ready […]