Making tracks up north again!
I’ve been skunked enough times this winter. I wasn’t letting Tuesday’s opportunity go to waste. Trucking it up north has been my best strategy for logging miles and smiles in 2023. So, I trucked it to Washington Street parking lot in Tupper Lake for another run at it. We had a fresh dusting to an […]
Indian Lake to Newcomb snowmobile ride
2/10/23 Update An inch of rain and temperatures spiking into the lower 40s Thursday night has done it’s dirty work. Seasonal roads such as Perkins Clearing, Tree Farm, Powley Road, Newcomb/Old 538 and into Moose River Plains offer your most reliable options. Lakes are a mess. Narrow woods trails are gonna be really sketchy in […]
Another snowmobiling mega-miler!
Temperature started at -1*F Tuesday morning at the ilsnow storm center under a bright sunny sky. I was feeling it for a big ride! Going up north hasn’t failed me this winter, so I went to the well one more time. I trucked it up to Washington Street parking lot in Tupper Lake. There were […]
Sunday vulture ride into Speculator
When riding Sundays, I’m picking at the scraps left behind by the weekend warriors on their way out of town. Saturday was a lazy day for me. And truth be told, I felt tired, worn out and didn’t feel like going snowmobile riding. But I needed to get outside to shake off the doldrums. Heading […]
Finally, MEGA-MILER!
I’ve been racking up the rides, miles and smiles for the past couple of weeks. Over the past couple of years, I’ve been riding Franklin and St. Lawrence counties fairly often, discovering new (to me) riding territory. It’s an amazing trail system up there. On Thursday, I wanted to put it all together into a […]