Adirondack Trail Motel

Getting down-n-dirty…

If Tuesday’s ride was like mid-March, Wednesday’s ride was late-March. Decided to roll for another ride. Figured since my snowmobile was already on the trailer, I would truck it to Mason Lake parking lot and roll from there. I saw a couple of other trucks in the lot before 11am, so I didn’t think I’d […]

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Making tracks up north again!

I’ve been skunked enough times this winter. I wasn’t letting Tuesday’s opportunity go to waste. Trucking it up north has been my best strategy for logging miles and smiles in 2023. So, I trucked it to Washington Street parking lot in Tupper Lake for another run at it. We had a fresh dusting to an […]

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Indian Lake to Newcomb snowmobile ride

2/10/23 Update An inch of rain and temperatures spiking into the lower 40s Thursday night has done it’s dirty work. Seasonal roads such as Perkins Clearing, Tree Farm, Powley Road, Newcomb/Old 538 and into Moose River Plains offer your most reliable options. Lakes are a mess. Narrow woods trails are gonna be really sketchy in […]

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Another snowmobiling mega-miler!

Temperature started at -1*F Tuesday morning at the ilsnow storm center under a bright sunny sky. I was feeling it for a big ride! Going up north hasn’t failed me this winter, so I went to the well one more time. I trucked it up to Washington Street parking lot in Tupper Lake. There were […]

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Sunday vulture ride into Speculator

When riding Sundays, I’m picking at the scraps left behind by the weekend warriors on their way out of town. Saturday was a lazy day for me. And truth be told, I felt tired, worn out and didn’t feel like going snowmobile riding. But I needed to get outside to shake off the doldrums. Heading […]

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