Start of Snowmobiling Season on State Land
Snowmobiling is on the thoughts of many with the first real wintery lake effect blast of the season. Keep in mind that snowmobiling is not permitted on State land until sunset December 2nd at the conclusion of big game hunting season. The extended muzzle loading season DOES NOT apply to Hamilton or Northern Herkimer counties. […]
Winter is here! Update 11/24/12
The first true wintery blast of the season made it here today. Snow showers have accumulated 2-3 inches over the Western Adirondacks while I managed a nice little dusting at the storm center at Indian Lake. Temperatures never made it out of the 20s this afternoon and strong, gusty winds made it feel much […]
End of November: Update 11/20/12
Last night’s ECMWF is painting an intriguing picture for November 28th/29th, which is one possible manifestation of the AO-/NAO- pattern I talked about yesterday: The Canadian Polar vortex is dropping southward, possibly on its way to Hudson’s Bay. The Greenland Block is starting to show up as well. While this happens, you can see a […]
Winter’s first blast coming this weekend: Update 11/19/12
We haven’t had any real rain or snow over the past two weeks, but temperatures have regularly fallen into the teens at night. This has resulted in ice skimmed ponds and frozen ground. A strong disturbance is forecast to track from the Great Lakes across the Adirondacks on Saturday: By Saturday morning, it should be […]
Ohio Tavern Presents Snowmobile Flat Drags December 2nd
Also: Live music by Mark Mowers in the Tavern from 5-9pm on 12/2 & we also plan to sell burgers, hotdogs, soda, bottled water, coffee & hot chocolate outside near the track. If you find my posts valuable, please consider making a donation to help me keep the good times rolling! 🙂