Adirondack Trail Motel

One-Two Punch Friday and Saturday: Update 12/19/12

The upcoming storm will be a ONE-TWO combination. You can see the two players here Friday morning. Storm 1 is for Friday. Storm 2 is for Saturday: Friday: There are 2 notable things about Storm 1: 1. Marginally cold air in place. 2. STRONG southeast flow as shown by the tightly packed black lines. These […]

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Snow Conditions for 12/18/12

The ilsnow storm center picked up a half-inch of “slops” overnight, with a mixture of rain and wet snow continuing into the morning. Judging by the web cams, Indian Lake is the snow capital of the central Adirondacks at the moment. Long Lake, Inlet and Old Forge are showing NO snow cover at 9AM. Weekend […]

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Wild Weather Week Straight Ahead! Update 12/16/12

If you learn ONE lesson from this past week, don’t bother with those sexy looking weather apps that tell you Indian Lake is going to get 19.4 inches of snow a week from now. They’re USELESS, U-S-E-L-E-S-S. Then I get blamed for a bad forecast that I had nothing to do with. The computer models […]

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Snow conditions for 12/16/12

Indian Lake/Speculator got about an inch of snow today. Places further west like Old Forge and Inlet got diddly-poo. No riding yet! Outlook: We have an opportunity for snow on Tuesday. Rain changing to snow events are usually pretty tricky to gauge accurately more than a day or two away. If all goes well, we […]

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Busy, stormy weather for the next week! Update 12/14/12

I’ve got lots to talk about in a short amount of time. Here’s the set-up by Sunday evening: Normally, a storm cutting through Upper Michigan is just plain rain here. But the blocking high over eastern Canada changes the game, especially over the south/central and eastern Adirondacks where cold air damming holds on the longest. […]

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