Mountain Market

Indian Lake to Speculator 1/29/13

After we got the half-foot of snow yesterday, I knew what had to be done: I would blow off work and take Darrin Jr out of school to go for a ride before we get hit full bore with the next Thaw! The snow really helped the Indian Lake village trails tremendously and the groomers […]

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Snow Update 1/28/13

Got snow here! I measured 5.5 inches at the storm center this evening. Most other reports I’ve seen around Hamilton County were somewhere around 3 inches. What are you waiting for? Get you can up here and do some riding Tuesday before Wednesday’s Thaw! If you find my posts valuable, please consider making a […]

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Indian Lake Snowmobile Ride 1/27/13

Adirondack Mountain Sports repaired the damage from my ill-fated ride a week ago. So Darrin Jr and I picked up the ole’ XP and did some riding this afternoon. The inner village trails were snirty and had some small chop. There were a corners scuffed down to dirt, but overall the trails were not bad […]

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State of the Winter Address: Update 1/25/13

Let’s try a game called Guess Which Winter: Winter A (through January 25th): Significant snowfall around 8 inches just before Thanksgiving (Good for a lawn jockey ride!). Warm December with little snow. January also warm with nickel and dime snow events that constantly got negated by thaw and rain. But a couple of modest snows […]

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Snowmobiling Conditions for 1/25/13 with the Weekend Outlook

Marginal snowmobiling conditions will be the rule this weekend. But you can have some fun if you’re smart about it. The heavily-traveled narrow woods trails will be bony, but the groomers have been out trying to make the best of what we’ve got. Best snowmobile riding should be found on the seasonal roads like Perkins […]

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