Indian Lake to Speculator: Snowmobiling Ride Report 2/9/13
After looking like a frozen desert for the past week and a half, the fresh 8 inches of new snow brought snowmobiling back to life! The village trails benefited greatly from the new snow and the groomers had been out on the morning. Trail base is sufficient but not thick. Every once in a while, […]
Come and get it! Snowmobiling Conditions Update 2/8/13
Friday’s storm has deposited over a half-foot of snow onto the central Adirondacks. Instead of dwelling on what didn’t happen, rejoice in what we got! Most of the trails were pretty flat this week and the new snow is going to help tremendously. If you sat out last weekend to wait for better conditions, your […]
Snowmobiling Conditions Update for 2/6/13
That inch or two of snow we got this morning got blown to smithereens by the sun and wind this afternoon. But it was fun to watch! Indian Lake Village trails have been groomed this week, so I would assume trails are pretty flat. The heavily traveled trails have dirt spots and icy stretches, but […]
End of Week Snowstorm! Update 2/6/13
Any skepticism I had about significant snowfall from the upcoming storm has been quelled by radar and model trends, all pointing UP for us! Precipitation is starting to blossom with the northern Pacific jet shortwave: ECMWF is showing Pacific shortwave (X1: primary storm) retaining its strength into Friday, with the subtropical shortwave (X2: secondary storm) […]
Possible Thursday Night & Friday Snow Event: Update 2/5/13
There is some buzz about the potential end of week snow event. So lets get down to it! Here is the 12Z Euro’s sequence of events: If all goes according to this plan, there will be a significant coastal storm pounding New England Friday into Saturday. The fast Pacific jet stream is pushing the storm […]