Ohio Tavern and Restaurant

Chain Lakes Tract: Looking deeper into Alternative 4B

Adirondack Park Agency (APA) is holding a series of public meetings through early July in regards to proposed classification of former Finch, Pruyn tracts acquired by the State. Out of the four State land classification options, only one allows for functional snowmobiling: Wild Forest. The other three land classification options (Wilderness, Primitive, and Canoe) limit […]

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Special Offer from Ride Clean NY!

From Now until midnight June 30th if you Donate $50 or more by clicking on our PayPal Link we will ship you an official Ride Clean NY T-shirt! Please specify size and address in the PayPal comments field or e-mail ridecleanny@gmail.com We are working hard to make Ride Clean NY a success; we can’t do […]

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Ride Clean NY Needs Us!

Ride Clean New York is an organization seeking 501 (c) 3 not-for-profit status in New York State this year. This group was formed after Paul A Prill IV was tragically killed by an out of control drunk snowmobiler on Indian Lake last winter. The following weekend his surviving son, Kyle Prill organized a memorial for […]

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APA Public Hearing for Gooley Club Property at Indian Lake Central School Gymnasium set for Tuesday, June 25th

A public hearing with the Adirondack Park Agency is set for Tuesday, June 25th @ 6PM in the Indian Lake School Gymnasium to discuss possible classifications on the Gooley Club Property on former Finch, Pruyn & Company land that was just acquired by the State. This could provide many important recreational opportunities for the Towns […]

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ILsnow.com State of the Union Address

ilsnow.com’s final web stats for the 2012-13 season were pretty amazing: Over 2 million page views Over 14 million hits Youtube snowmobile ride videos viewed over 8300 times In addition, the ilsnow.com Facebook page has over 1400 “likes” and the bulletin board has over 1600 registered members. It takes much hard work and time to […]

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