Weather Blog
Hope for the Back-9 of Winter
This winter has really sucked! People are saying that it’s been strange and unpredictable. In reality though, it’s been one of the more predictable and cyclical winters I can recall. We were entering the third consecutive winter under a moderately strong La Nina regime. We saw what the previous two did. Throw in amazing early […]
Roll Childwold, Roll!
Have trailer, will travel… It’s been that kind of winter for me. Another trip up north was in order for Tuesday. This time, I trucked it to Horseshoe Lake on the horrible “road” called NYS Route 421. Thankfully, the snowmobiling was well worth enduring 6 miles of frost heaved pavement to reach the trailhead. Here’s […]
Tupper Lake to Malone, again!
I seldom bother riding weekends. But this winter has already been cut short. And beggars shouldn’t be choosers. Damion hadn’t done much riding this winter and was good with my recommendation to truck our sleds up to Tupper Lake and roll it north. There weren’t many trucks in the Washington Street parking lot by the […]
Rock bottom, now what?
We haven’t had any substantial snowfall in weeks, to the point it’s fair to wonder if this winter is a completely lost cause. As we rolled through autumn I saw a number of strong and obvious signals, indicating that winter could stumble out of the gate, possibly into January. You can click onto this post […]
Slim Pickin’s in Perkins Clearing
I hadn’t ridden in two weeks and was desperate to get in a bit of snowmobile riding Wednesday, even though I was expecting marginal conditions at best. Fortunately, Mason Lake parking lot is a short haul from Indian Lake, so it was worth a shot. I unloaded my sled at the lot and was ready […]