Adirondack Trail Motel

Weather Blog

Winter 2012-13 Outlook

Winter is only a couple of months away. The first thing I’ll say is that Winter 2012-13 is nearly certain to be colder and snowier than last winter. Second thing I’ll say is my usual disclaimer: A winter weather outlook should ALWAYS be taken with a grain of salt. You can not use it to […]

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Weather Update: Lowdown on the Adirondack chilldown for mid-October

The weather will feel pretty balmy for the next couple of days, but big changes are on the way as cold air begins to build over Canada. This panel shows a blustery cold blast penetrating into the northeastern United States by the end of next week.  If this panel is correct, snow will be in […]

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Canadian chill to visit the Adirondacks: Part Deux

September is usually good for a battle of the seasons. After a nice warm week, temperatures will take a steep jog downward over the Adirondacks this weekend. AVN MOS is showing a low temperature of 27*F near Saranac Lake by early Sunday morning: This scenario appears to be a near repeat of earlier in the […]

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Canadian chill to visit the Adirondacks

The AVN MOS is showing a low temperature of 27*F at Saranac Lake by early Tuesday morning: With high pressure cresting overhead and bone dry air in place, widespread 30s across the Adirondacks with scattered frost in the usual cold pits are real possibilities: It’s never too early to talk about chill in the Adirondacks! […]

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