Weather Blog
Clawing our way out of skid row
December 20, 2021 Update! Saturday’s storm brought the goods, with around a half-foot of snow mixed with some sleet throughout the central Adirondacks. As for TRYING Moose River Plains or Perkins Clearing, I can’t really recommend traveling for any real distance for a “look-see” ride. If you happen to be here anyway and you’ve got […]
Sad sack of sh-t
I’ve never been one to hide the truth when it comes to reporting snowmobile trail conditions. The headline picture says it all. To nobody’s surprise, the weekend storm wiped out our meager snow cover. Adding insult to injury, strong winds knocked down many trees. Some of them are now blowdown that trail crews will have […]
Weather Roller Coaster
The end of big game hunting season at sundown, Sunday December 5th marks the beginning of snowmobiling season in the central Adirondacks. It’s looking pretty with a few inches of snow on the ground here. But… Will that build into something rideable for the first week of snowmobile season and into Snodeo? My take? It’s […]
Will Winter be D.O.A. in the Adirondacks?
Each year, I’m asked what kind of winter we’ll have, even while we’re still basking in late summer heat and humidity. My answer? We need to see how weather patterns evolve through autumn before we can hazard a guess as to how winter may jump off the starting blocks. It is no secret that autumn […]