Trail Conditions
2/19/17 Holiday Update
Yesterday was quite the day. Went from 10*F to 51*F and spring fever. Temperatures did dip below freezing late last night to staunch the bleeding. By far the busiest snowmobile Saturday I’ve seen in Indian Lake in a long time! They were all over the place like swarms of locusts. You can see a small […]
Mega-Miler! Ride 2/16/17
Today was the day that I was going to stretch the 4-TEC for some big miles and justify its purchase. Mission accomplished, here’s the story: Headed out of the compound just after 7am. I actually wanted to get out before the groomers so I can romp on the half-foot of new snow! C8 out to […]
Got it! Update 2/13/17
UPDATE 2/14/16: Took a quick spin around town and out to Newcomb. Almost everything I touched was AWESOME! Old Stage trail out to Blue Mountain Rest was somewhat lumpy, but being second tracks after the big snow made it a fun romp. I talked to a guy who rode over here from Old Forge via […]
110 miles on a Thursday afternoon: Ride to Speculator & Wells
After getting home from the Skillet concert at 1am Thursday morning and with the trails being frozen ice/hard pack, I wasn’t thinking of going out on the snowmobile today. But the coastal-nor’ester nudged up just enough to kiss Indian Lake in the cheek with a fresh inch-and-a-half of snow and I just had to get out […]
Speculator to Salisbury: Ride 2/2/17
Father & Son Day I didn’t make it to Salisbury last week. But this time I would make it and took Darrin Jr with me. We dropped off in Speculator this morning and picked up a rental to go along for the ride. I’m always curious about different sleds, so I chose this Yamaha missile from […]