Alicia C. Miller Real Estate

Trail Conditions

It’s Over! For Now: Update 2/21/18

We didn’t get much rain. But when temperatures get into the 60s like they did on Wednesday after a couple mild days to soften the snow pack, it didn’t really matter. I went to take a short sunglasses and tee-shirt ride around the trails Wednesday morning. But there was far too much mud to make […]

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Sunday Afternoon Stroll: Ride 2/18/18

Presidents’ Weekend is probably one of the last times you’d expect to see me out snowmobiling. But sometimes you get flushed out of the pocket and have to make a play that you weren’t planning on. The upcoming weather this week flushed me out of my pocket. So, after work I took a run down […]

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Childwold & Cranberry Lake: Ride 2/15/18

Update 2/18/18 There was decent snowmobile traffic around Indian Lake village on Saturday and I saw the groomer making a pass in town Saturday afternoon. Then we got a fresh 2 inches of snow Saturday Night. Asking for trail conditions of individual trails is the wrong question. Just get up here and ride either Sunday […]

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Wednesday Afternoon Stroll: Update 2/14/18

I couldn’t get out to ride until mid-Wednesday afternoon. But that certainly was not the end of the world for me. It gave the February sun a chance to soften up the trail surface to keep the slides and heat-exchangers happy. And it doesn’t get really dark until after 6pm now. First order of business […]

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Read ’em and Weep: Update 2/12/18

Damage Assessment Afternoon temperatures were in the 30s over the weekend, but temperatures did spike to 40*F Sunday Night before falling below freezing. As annoying as the rain and freezing drizzle was to ride in, it didn’t cause much more damage than heavy weekend traffic and mild temperatures did by themselves. As you can see, […]

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