News | - Part 4
Adirondack Trail Motel



Got snow, bro!! Update 2/13/19

Lots of internet chatter about how this storm was a bust for other places. But what can I tell you? I forecasted 6-12 inches of snow/sleet mixture for Indian Lake and ended up with about 8 inches at the ilsnow storm center. Most reports along the Route 8 corridor were in the 8-12 inch range. […]

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About this weekend: Update 2/7/19

We got a pretty good glazing of ice Wednesday night. So I just waited for the temperature to make its rise through the 30s to soften things up a bit before I headed out Thursday afternoon. Trails around Indian Lake village were still in pretty decent shape for the most part. This was some of […]

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C8/Sabael Trail Closed this Weekend: Update 1/11/19

Trail C8/Sabael trail will remain CLOSED THROUGH THIS WEEKEND. This means there is NO snowmobiling connection between Indian Lake and Speculator. The Town of Indian Lake expects this trail to be re-opened next week, pending the completion of some legal-ese. Please respect the trail closure. We don’t want to lose this trail forever. C8 from […]

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How To Register Your Snowmobile in New Hampshire.

You can receive a $30 discount on your registrations by joining a snowmobile club.

Community Connector Snowmobile Trail Hearing

Amendment Proposes Multi-Use Community Connector Trail Along Route 28 Public Meeting Nov. 28 at Raquette Lake Free Union School, starting 6pm  Deadline for Comment is Dec. 7, 2018 The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is seeking public input regarding a proposal in an amendment to the Blue Ridge Wilderness Unit Management Plan […]

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Update on Newcomb trail groomer

As some of you already know, the Indian Lake Snowarriors are in the process of acquiring a new (to us) groomer for the Newcomb trail. This will help us keep the Newcomb trail nice and smooth for snowmobiling and avoid lengthy breakdowns and subsequent periods of rough trail like we had later on last winter. So […]

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