Darrin Jr had his last day off-work before reporting back to duty. We decided to make Tuesday’s ride a long one.
Hadn’t done a big southern ride from the compound this winter. So, that’s where we set sail.
Snow Monday night stuck to everything and made for a nice backdrop to start the ride.

C8/Sabael trail was brownish in places but was a pretty good ride leaving town.
Indian Lake was bouncy with at least several large slush swaths. South end of the lake with smoother. Lewey Lake was a plush crossing with only a couple of slush spots. In-between-Campsites trail wasn’t bad.
Saw a very welcome sight of the groomer making its turn on Lewey Lake shoreline after grooming 2 Miles from Hell.

Unfortunately, it left behind “craters” that would become the seeds for bumps later in the day. Don’t get me wrong, I was VERY thankful for the fresh groom. That trail must have been absolutely horrible before the groomer rolled through.
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Perkins Clearings Onward
Perkins Clearing Road was pretty good. Jessup River Road was sweet music into the back of Perkins Clearing.

C4/C8 Big Brook trail from back side of Perkins Clearing was good enough to make it through fairly comfortably at low speed.
Took a chance on C8/Willis Mountain trail. Ended up being a good gamble! (Mostly) gentle long wave rollers throughout – but not studdery.

After HAMI118, C8 was a nice ride into Piseco. On the rip across Piseco Lake, we encountered TONS of slush. Thankfully, slush was firmed to the point we didn’t worry much about getting stuck in it.
S88 from Piseco Lake Lodge to Powley Road was immaculately groomed. Was one of my best rides through there, ever! Gorgeous riding through the hardwoods.

Powley Road into Salisbury and Ohio
Powley Road was its usual highway through snowmobiling heaven.

C8A leaving Powley Road was a good ride to the bridge in Stratford.

C4A into downtown Stratford wasn’t as good, but got the job done. C4A to Salisbury Clubhouse was bumpy and rough at times, but did improve between HERK120 and the Clubhouse.
With Salisbury clubhouse closed on Tuesday, we decided to press on to Norway General Store for lunch and make the loop via Ohio.
C4 leaving Salisbury Clubhouse was bumpy and rough at times. Even Military Road was an uneven and wavy ride.
Open fields did provide brief relief from bumpy monotony.

By the time we got to Norway General Store, I was cold, hungry and a bit tired. Felt like I was coming down with a cold. Was more than ready to rest, warm up and eat! The haddock fish fry dinner with fries certainly provided it’s bang for the buck!

After lunch, we mashed our way through Norway on C4 and found improving trail conditions approaching Ohio.
But the riding got bumpy and rough after we turned onto C4G. The beatdown continued until we encountered an Ohio groomer working its magic.

The good times continued on C4B to Ohio Tavern. We hit the 24-hour credit card gas pump to refuel for the ride home.
The press home!
C4B was bumpy and rough at times from Ohio Tavern to HERK125. After we make the turn, happy times returned!

C4/Jones Road was a good rip to Morehouse. C4/Morehouse was an amazing ride to Hoffmeister.

C4 from Hoffmeister to HAMI13 wasn’t as excellent, but more than good enough to carry us through. You can ride through Hoffmeister on the trail bypass. Just follow the signs and ribbons marking the way.
C4/Sheriff Lake trail was gorgeous riding through the hardwoods with DEEP snow!

We weren’t keen on ripping across slushy Piseco Lake again with darkness approaching. Had NO problem taking S88 and Powley Road to Route 10!
Caught a fresh groom onto C8/Spy Lake trail. Trail was brownish most of the way to Oxbow Lake, but was a comfortable ride.

Lots of tornado/windstorm blowdown in vicinity of Jack’s Hill, with swaths of large trees uprooted and fallen. Wish I had taken a picture of that. Definitely alters the scenery up there.
Oxbow Lake was slushy in places, but we made it across without incident. C4/Fish Mountain trail was brownish and fairly bumpy in places, but not the worst ride I’ve had through there. The half-mile section on paved road was rather painful.
C4/Fawn Lake trail could have used a comb over with the groomer. By the time we got to HAMI118 Outhouse intersection, I was hurting and sore all over: shoulders, back, legs, arms, wrists. I was far beyond the point I wished I was already home!
Darrin Jr. wasn’t sure I’d make it back to the compound! With a sub-zero night ahead, I had no choice. It was either make it home or die out there. Thankfully, Big Brook trail was more forgiving than Fawn Lake trail and Perkins Clearing was a good rip to Mason Lake.
Before bumping and grinding our way through 2 Miles from Hell, we stopped again so I can rest and regroup for the final push home in the dark.
Well, 2 Miles of Hell lived up to its richly deserved reputation. But there had been a groom on the in-between-Campsites trail between Lewey Lake and Indian Lake. That was no small WIN!
Ride up Indian Lake was bouncy and drifty. Totally pounded the SHIT out of me, from an already weakened state. By the time I got off the lake, I felt extremely sore EVERYWHERE!
Back to home base
At Furnell’s field we hit a nearly fresh groom on C8/Sabael trail back to town. Was a fast rip and the best I’ve seen it all season! I was ecstatic that Town of Indian Lake groomers had laid down the white carpet for my return home.

No Victory Lap to seal the deal on this ride. Getting home with enough victory for me! Was shocked to see “only” 170 miles on the trip odometer. Felt more like I did 250.
Once I got home, I felt teeth-chattering cold. Went straight to bed and piled on all the blankets I have. Shivered for what seemed like hours until I generated enough heat to feel comfortable enough to sleep. And it was a fitful sleep at that with weird dreams.
Ride map
Sorry, bro! Neither my Polaris ride app or Darrin Jr’s tracked the ride fully. My app had been acting up the past couple of rides. So, I deleted it from my phone, then reinstalled it. Hopefully, that’ll do the trick!
Bottom line
Rode my share of twisty goat-paths (which were actually some of the best riding) and bumpy trail sections on this ride. But it kicked my tail far more than it should have. Even today, I’m far from 100% and feel washed. No riding for me today. Better to recoup and live to ride another day!
Darrin Jr took the plunge and got into snowmobiling full tilt this winter. We’ve both super happy about that. It doesn’t get better than riding with my son!

For the ilsnow nation,
If you find my posts valuable, please consider making a donation to help me keep the good times rolling! 🙂
Thanks Darrin, nice to have a riding partner??? LOL!!!!