Screamen Eagle

Almost done snowmobiling, but…

…there is one more weekend for the ultra diehard to spin the track one more time before this snowmobiling season slides into oblivion.

Snow pack has become Swiss cheese near highways and southerly-exposed places. But snow cover remains pretty solid in the woods throughout the south-central Adirondacks.

Most narrow woods trails are cooked, either by the sun from above or the spring freshet cutting away from underneath.

Perkins Clearing

Took a quick drive to Mason Lake parking lot mid-day Friday to take a look at Perkins Clearing, just to confirm what I already know: Perkins Clearing remains snowmobile rideable.

Trail along Route 30 to north end of Perkins Clearing Road was grubby, but retained nearly 100 percent coverage.

North end of Perkins Clearing Road? Essentially wet ice, but I’ve ridden down this avenue with far less coverage in April.

Gate is closed & locked to keep automobiles out. As long as you’re willing to endure this short bit of hash, you can bypass the gate and get your kicks in Perkins Clearing.

Other options

You may be able scratch your way around Speculator Tree Farm from Old Route 30 and into Powley Road from Piseco Road, but I would be less certain about the remaining snow coverage in those places.

Parking at Northville/Lake Placid trailhead on Route 28&30 near Lake Durant and worming your way to Newcomb trail/Old 538 via S84 could be a good option because parts of that holds snow really well.

Although Moose River Plains probably holds rideable snow from the Indian Lake side, it’s not really a via spring riding option from Brown’s farm parking lot. Town of Indian Lake Highway Department will likely grade the 4 mile section up to Cedar River Headquarters soon, it not already – to remove ice pack and accelerate drying.

If you chose to ride this weekend, you may need to let the sun be your friend and soften the trails up a bit to keep the slides and heat exchangers happy. Temperatures will fall quickly as the sun goes down and tighten the trails back up.

The End!

This will certainly be the final weekend for snowmobile riding in ilsnow land as a strong warm and dry weather regime takes hold for April 10-15 (and likely beyond). This would bake away remaining snow pack with minimal flooding risk.

Will I truck it to ride it one more time this weekend? Part of me is fine with having this be my last ride. But I could wake up Saturday morning wanting to roll it one more time, just to say I rode into April.

At least 99.1% of people reading this won’t care anymore. But I gotta cover all bases and finish strong!

Until next winter, for the ilsnow nation.


This report is brought to you by The Oxbow Inn, where everyone is a local. Great pizza and a variety of wonderful appetizers, light fare and entrees. 91 octane ethanol free gasoline available for snowmobiles! #itsbetteratthebow

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