Blue Mountain Rest

Game over, bro…

60 degree weather Thursday and unseasonable warmth continuing into Friday has plunged our short snowmobiling season toward the point of no return.

I’m sure somebody who really wants it could spin off a handful of miles around their camp in a shady snow-bowl in the middle of nowhere. But this weekend’s weather forecast appears damp, rainy and miserable. Not my cup-o-joe…

Friday morning’s modeled snow pack has started to resemble Swiss cheese and will only continue deteriorating from this point, forward.

On Wednesday, I capitalized on a fresh couple inches of snow to make a run Adirondack Lake for a fun 40 mile fuel stabilizer run. Even stopped at McSweeney’s for lunch! You can enjoy the Facebook photo-shoot below:

This is my final trail conditions commentary for the 2021-22 snowmobiling season, such as it was. Despite my riding season of barely over a month and a half, I rode it for 2500+ miles and explored new territory. I had fun every time I saddled up on the 900 ACE Turbo.

Countdown to next winter starts…. NOW!!

For the ilsnow nation,


This report is brought to you by Progressive Motorsports, celebrating their 29th year. They live, eat and breathe snowmobiling. Stop in today and see for yourself! Be sure to tell Karen that Darrin @ sent ya.

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One… More… Time! To Speculator and Wells.