Adirondack Trail Motel

Two Way Recon: Ride 2/3/21

I was sure to take advantage of the several inches of new snow we picked up Monday night into Tuesday. This looked like a bad omen as I departed the compound to start my ride:

Saw fresh groomer tracks on C8 heading toward Cedar River Headquarters although I didn’t go that way.

To Newcomb and back!

S84/Blue Mountain trail wasn’t groomed yet when I rode through, but it was a half-way decent pathway to the prize. Trail base was thin under the tall evergreens through that avenue.

The 538/Newcomb trail prize was well worth the 9 mile churn to get out there. Snowarriors side was PERFECT!

Seriously, there wasn’t even a bump or divot when I rolled through there. It was good enough to make a grown man cry!

After the County Line, Newcomb had freshly groomed their section to keep the awesome sauce going all the way up to the Newcomb-T:

Even Joseph Mountain was nice! There were hints of snirt with the thinner trail-base on the Essex County side.

The fresh groom continued on C8A all the way over to Newcomb. There were some thin spots along the way and a section of that trail being plowed for shared snowmobiling and logging use. And it was especially snirty running along Goodnow Flow Road. But overall, a nice and flat ride.

The trail passing Newcomb Cafe to Lake Harris wasn’t groomed and really bumpy. Also had a bumpy ride to the High Peaks Overlook and there wasn’t much of a view because of the light snow in the distance. But it was fun to run along the Hudson River and play in the powder and snowbanks at the overlook.

Then I turned tail and headed back to Indian Lake. S84/Blue Mountain trail had already been churned down to snirt and pebbles by the higher-than-average midweek traffic. In fact, most of the main arteries in town looked similar by the end of Wednesday:

To Speculator and back!

After a short break at the compound, I set sail on C8/Sabael trail which was a pretty good ride through. Indian Lake had areas of slush, but was manageable. The new snow had somewhat cushioned the frozen ruts.

Indian Lake-Lewey Lake Campsites was about as smooth as I’ve seen it! Lewey Lake was its usual sweet crossing. When C8/Two Miles of Hell looks like this, you know your day is rolling:

There were some sections ground to snirt. But c’mon, when Two Miles of Hell is that flat, it needn’t be pristine!

Once I got to Perkins Clearing, I opted to run alongside Mason Lake and hit S82C/Old Indian Lake Road – which is a really nice run when it doesn’t have to be the main thoroughfare into Perkins!

From Perkins Clearing, I hit a freshly groomed Hatchery Brook trail into the Speculator Tree Farm. Freshly groomed Wolf Hill Road? Yes, please!

Elm Lake Road, Long Level Road and Fly Creek Road along S41D were good riding, but it looked like someone had fun riding a skidder in there, which created some ditches along the side of the trail you wouldn’t want to hit at speed. Hopefully the groomers will be able to repair it.

Didn’t head down C4B/Gilmantown trail – but it was groomed, as per the Algonquin Sno-Blazers:

Ran Old Route 30 up to the highway and hit LP4A up to Speculator which was its usual nice jog.

Decided to take the westward loop back into Perkins Clearing. Lake Pleasant was a pretty good crossing. DRAG of Speculator was grooming LP1/Page Street trail which made it a great ride!

Sacandaga Lake – VERY slushy in places! C4/Fawn Lake was groomed for an excellent ride through the woods:

C4/C8 Big Brook trail into Perkins Clearing was snirty in places, but also groomed for a nice ride.

Carpenter Hill Road was a great run. Then I made second tracks on LP9/Nichol Vly trail after the new snow. That was a RUSH!

Then it was back up the gut through Perkins Clearing and back to Indian Lake. C8/Sabael trail and the other main arteries had some snirty studder chop to greet me back into town.

Rolled back to the compound with a buck-sixty clicked off. Mid-week riding is where it’s at for me. Not a bad gig, eh?

For the ilsnow nation,

This report is brought to you by Steet Ponte Auto Group. Many of the vehicles here in Indian Lake are bought from the Steet Ponte. Co-owner Joe Steet is a huge fan and booster of If you’re looking for a new truck, give Steet Ponte a good look.

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