Blue Mountain Rest

About this weekend: Update 2/7/19

We got a pretty good glazing of ice Wednesday night.

So I just waited for the temperature to make its rise through the 30s to soften things up a bit before I headed out Thursday afternoon.

Trails around Indian Lake village were still in pretty decent shape for the most part. This was some of the best I saw:

Of course, there were places water is eating away the trail from underneath:

Then we had the assortment of wet/icy corners and some corner scuff on the heavily traveled arteries.

Out to Moose River Plains

C8 heading out to Headquarters was fairly studdery throughout, even some whopping rollers on some of the turns.

The vast majority of the trail had good snow coverage, but some areas of skank were starting to open up:

Moose River Plains itself was worth the bump and grind to get out there.

Cedar River Headquarters to Silver Run was pretty good aside from some wet ice in the lower elevations and some scuff on the S-turns.

Silver Run to Big-T flats was an absolute rush! But there was lots of wet ice as well:

From Big-T Flats through Red River-T and several miles past the trail was mainly flat, but lots of wet ice and some corners scuffed down to dirt.

About a couple of miles before the Limeklin Gate, it got really thin and skanky:

Shortly past where that picture was taken it got even worse. So I just turned tail and headed back to where the snow was.

I hit the Red River deadender, Mitchell Ponds loop and Big-T deadender to pad on some miles. Conditions varied from very good to wet ice on the deadenders. Mitchell Ponds loop had some places where water has eroded the trail, but a lot of it was fun riding.

On the way back to Indian Lake village, I ran the trail down to the end of Cedar River Road which was nearly flat as a board but had large swaths of wet ice. And of course, as to be expected, Cedar River Road was bald:

After it turned dark, I rolled into the compound with 105 miles and a few fun “splash-thrus” in Bear Trap Swamp.

Bottom line

To me, this ride resembled something I would hit at the end of March after a long, snowy winter.

I can’t really tell you the trails are unrideable because I banged out 100-plus. But I can tell you this ride has “scratched my itch” and I’m content to keep my sled safely parked at the compound until we get a freeze up and a fresh infusion of snow.

The trails will begin to freeze into a brick Friday night into the weekend as winter cold returns. Unfortunately, I don’t foresee meaningful snow to accompany that blast of cold. A wind-blown skiff of snow isn’t going to do that much good.

So, whatever bumps are in the trail will freeze in place and the lakes are going to be a combination of glassy ice and frozen slush. You’ll also need to beware of holes where the water is eating away at the trail. Seasonal roads that have been plowed for shared snowmobiling/logging use all winter will be a sheet of ice.

If you decide to ride this weekend, studs will definitely be your friend for traction and to pick up material from the hard trail surface for cooling. Some trails will be VERY ICY. I can easily see Moose River Plains being ICE RIVER PLAINS this weekend. Be careful out there!

I’ve tried to give you an accurate overall picture. Also, check some of your other trusted sources and make your decision about the weekend.

Extended Outlook

This weekend may be sketchy, but I see the glass as more than half-full going forward. Snow pack around Indian Lake still ranges from several inches to around a foot in the exposed areas to 2+ feet in the shady nooks.
As has been the case most of this winter, Inlet holds less snow.

It ain’t over yet. But keep your fingers crossed for Tuesday night because we’ll need a good dump from that possible event to bring things back to good.

More news….so keep reading! 🙂

C8/Sabael Trail Notice

I got to help Indian Lake Parks and Rec install the snow fence across Furnell’s Field on C8/Sabael trail this week. Respect the trail boundary and keep the litter in your pocket so we can enjoy the trail for winters to come.

Snowarriors Annual Meeting – Saturday, February 9, 2019

This Saturday, February 9, 2019, at 7:00PM the Snowarriors will be holding their annual membership meeting at Town of Indian Lake Byron Park where officers and board members will be elected for the upcoming year.  Please make every effort to attend.  To ensure we have a full slate the nomination committee will present their recommendations for election, but we always welcome and encourage nominations from the floor.

In addition to the election, we will be discussing the Snowarriors plans for our 2019 Snocade involvement, which includes:

  • Snowmobile time trials on Adirondack Lake Saturday, 2/16/2019 at 11AM
  • Baked Potato night at The Legion Hall on Friday, 2/22/2019 at 5PM
  • Ice fishing tournament on Indian Lake (new location) on Saturday, 2/23/2019 starting at 5AM

And we will brag about our new groomer, a 2013 Tucker Terra 2000, a real monster of a machine!

Disclaimer: This video was taken January 16, 2019 and unfortunately does not represent current conditions.

New York State Snowmobile Safety Course – Wednesday, February 20, 2019

The very best way to become a safe snowmobile rider is learn safe riding from the beginning. Course instructor Patrica Ryan-Curry will lead a New York State Snowmobile Safety Course at the Town of Indian Lake Byron Park Building on Wednesday, February 20, 2019 from 8am – 4pm. Call Patricia at 518-414-2963 to pre-register and for more information.

A NYS Snowmobile Safety Certificate is REQUIRED for youth ages 10-17 to operate a snowmobile on allowed land. People who successfully complete this course will receive that Safety Certificate.

Central Adirondack Fishing Derby on Indian Lake – Saturday, February 23, 2019

The annual ice fishing derby will be held on Indian Lake on Saturday, February 23, 2019 starting around 5AM. The Indian Lake/Blue Mountain Fish and Game Association urges all snowmobilers to reduce their speed and use increased caution when riding on Indian Lake ALL day for safety of derby participants.

If you are curious about participating in the ice fishing derby, click here for more information.

That was a mouthful, but I think I got it out. 😉

For the ilsnow nation,


This report is brought to you by Progressive Motorsports, celebrating their 26th year. They live, eat and breathe snowmobiling. Stop in today and see for yourself! Be sure to tell Karen that Darrin @ sent ya.

If you find my posts valuable, please consider making a donation to help me keep the good times rolling! 🙂

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