Alicia C. Miller Real Estate

Snow Conditions: Update 1/30/18

Update 2/2/18

We picked up 2+ inches of snow in Indian Lake, NY last night. From reports for the western Adirondacks, Moose River Plains may have picked up several inches of fresh snow.

If you come up to ride here this weekend, you’ll find surprisingly good conditions in some places and just plain awfulness in some others.

Be very careful because we essentially have frozen, icy late-March marginal trail conditions with a fresh application of white paint. Track studs are your friends.

Here is a sample of what the trails looked like before the new snow, taken on Wednesday, January 31st:

Take it or leave it, I guess… But we do have more snow on the docket for Sunday. 🙂

For the ilsnow nation, 


Report 1/30/18

Well, there isn’t really a whole bunch to report on the trail conditions front, except to say that we are down to the icy, hard-pack base around here. Lakes are glare ice.

If you choose to ride here this week, studs and ice scratchers would be definite assets. You will need to beware of ice, bare spots, rocks and frozen washout areas.

Snow pack is 6-12+ inches throughout most of the Central Adirondacks, but the exposed areas around town hold less snow cover with growing icy and bald spots.

Some of the deep woods spots in the central-western Adirondack snow bowls probably hold a foot-and-a-half of snow or more, but that would be the exception rather than the rule:

Midweek Outlook

Let’s start with this, then play it forward:

January 30, 2018 AM

Not pretty, right? But at least the cupboard isn’t completely bare.

Unfortunately, there doesn’t appear to be a significant snow event in the cards for this week.

Instead, we’ll have a parade of minor snows, with the meso-NAM painting modest amounts by Friday afternoon:

These amounts wouldn’t do much for the immediate Indian Lake & Speculator areas, but they could breathe life back into places like Moose River Plains and into the western Adirondacks with the seasonal roads.

Weekend Outlook?

At this bleak point in time, I almost wish that I can make the easy call, telling you to forget about this weekend and keep the money in your pocket for a better time. But the truth is that we’ll be in that fuzzy gray area this weekend with marginal riding conditions.

On top of that, a light to modest snow event may be approaching us for Saturday night:

For some people, the decision will be to skip this weekend and play another day. For some others, they are coming up no matter what. For many, it will be a game of wait and see…

By the way, Indian Lake Snowarriors will have their monthly meeting on Saturday, February 3rd starting 7pm at Byron Park in Indian Lake. If you’re in town, stop in!

Free Snowmobiling Weekend, February 2-5, 2018

Click here for general details, statewide.

Specific details for the Town of Webb/Inlet trails, only:

  • If your snowmobile is registered and insured out-of-state, you are NOT required to have a Town of Webb/Inlet permit for Free Snowmobiling Weekend.
  • If your snowmobile is registered and insured in New York State, you still need to have a Town of Webb/Inlet permit this weekend.

If you have any further questions about details for Free Snowmobiling Weekend in Town of Webb/Inlet, you should call 315-369-6983, then press “0” to connect directly to an information specialist.

Extended Outlook

Next week appears to be sufficiently cold, with a large arctic air-mass firmly entrenched across Canada and spilling into the north-central United States:

With the bitter cold concentrated well to our west, that may push the window open for a meaningful snow event to take a run at us. We can only hope, because cold without the snow to play with isn’t much fun.

For the ilsnow nation,


This report is brought to you by Progressive Motorsports, celebrating their 25th year. They live, eat and breathe snowmobiling. Stop in today and see for yourself! Be sure to tell Karen that Darrin @ sent ya.

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