Indian Lake Restaurant

Epic Powder Day! Ride 12/26/17

Each year, the Indian Lake boys like to do an annual Tug Hill ride after Christmas. The last two years, we’ve been rained out.

Ironically, we got snowed out this year. We didn’t feel like trucking on greasy roads and blinding snow hours to Tug Hill.

So we just trucked over to the Brown’s Farm parking lot near the end of Cedar River Road shortly after 8am to start the ride.

So Damion came with a couple of work colleagues and joined Cal and I today.

And we’re off!

We were blasting through 8-12 inches of power up to Cedar River Headquarters:

Cedar River Headquarters

As we went through Moose River Plains, the snow got deeper and deeper. Damion had the lead for the first 12 miles, then he asked me to lead because he was burning through gas like crazy. I was a bit reluctant, but found that the 4-TEC was up to the task as she powered through the powder.

The main challenge was steering, even at relatively low speeds. Once I got the hang of it, I had a blast blazing the trail! Here was my sled at the Big-T. Talk about powder chowder! My running boards were PACKED with snow:

She was steaming up pretty good with all the snow infiltrating the engine compartment.

Yeah, I was just a little bit pumped!

Shortly thereafter, we had people showing up from Inlet and behind us from Indian Lake. I even met some members of the ilsnow nation, which was really cool: We were all out to enjoy the powder-fest!

On to Inlet and Old Forge:

We did encounter the Inlet groomer coming out, so the riding became easier was we went along. We made it to the Inlet Information Center so some of us could get the Inlet/Old Forge permits. While I was there, I cleaned out some snow that had accumulated inside my helmet and hampered visibility by freezing onto the visor.

At this point we decided to make the run to Brantingham.

After we stopped at Big Moose Yamaha for refueling, we pressed on Trail 5, which was bumpy and rough. Trail 9 was much better riding. We made our way over to Trail 1, which was very bumpy and rough.

While leading the pack, I missed where Trail 1 turned toward Brantingham and ending up on Stillwater Road.Β  Not a big deal because we just took the road for a few miles and ended up re-joining the trail.

As some point going toward Brantingham on Trail C7B, we were once again breaking upwards of 18 inches of powder for MILES. When you’re doing that for a while, you’ll slide off the trail eventually and we did get a stuck or two:

As we pressed through the powder, I was having major issues with snow getting inside my helmet and freezing to the visor. I had to get really creative to maintain a ride-able field of vision. Good thing that it wasn’t snowing hard or else I would have been screwed…

Arrival Brantingham

True to what I’ve heard on the internet, Trail C7B is plowed at least several miles in from Brantingham with one large slushy “pond” crossing. There was some carbide clack, but more than enough loose snow to keep the slides and heat exchangers happy, at least for today.

We ran the road all the way into Brantingham and had lunch at the Pine Tree Inn. The food and service there seemingly never disappoints. I was also very happy to clear all of the snow that had frozen to the inside of my windshield and warm up from the 10*F outside.

The way back

It was snowing very hard when we left the Pine Tree Inn. And dang it, I had more snow infiltrating my helmet. I never had this problem before with my helmet before. Trail 1 back into Old Forge was especially miserable with big bumps and marginal visibility out of my rapidly freezing helmet shield.

Trail 9 was a relief and Trail 5Β was a bit less of a bump and grind than it was in the morning.

After we got gas at the Big Moose Yamaha at 5PM, Damion took his crew back across Moose River Plains. Cal and I went to Screamen Eagle and had some peanut butter wings. I was actually more interested in staying inside for an hour and thoroughly de-icing the inside of my helmet and warming up.

The home stretch

We hit the Inlet loop trails, which were groomed and really nice riding. Moose River Plains was a more conventional trail ride all the way back to the truck, well-packed down and groomed from end-to-end. No more snow got into my helmet, so it was an enjoyable run to end the day.

Got back to the truck with 160 miles, and lots of memories of an EPIC ride!

Here are a few more pictures before I leave ya for now:

Bottom line

I may not make it toΒ Tug Hill for another year, but I had a mini-Tug Hill experience today. Not sure I’d want this to be a typical ride though. πŸ˜‰

I think I’ll sleep really well tonight!

For the ilsnow nation,


This report is brought to you byΒ Adirondacks Speculator Region Chamber of Commerce. Speculator has long been one of my favorite places to ride! There are lots of options, whether you want to ride around Speculator for the day, or launch a 250 mile mega-miler. Speculator is loaded with businesses eager to cater to snowmobilers. Look them up at the Speculator Chamber and grab a copy of their snowmobile trail map. Be sure to tell them that Darrin @ sent you.

If you find my posts valuable, please consider making a donation to help me keep the good times rolling! πŸ™‚

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