Alicia C. Miller Real Estate

2/19/17 Holiday Update

Yesterday was quite the day. Went from 10*F to 51*F and spring fever.

Temperatures did dip below freezing late last night to staunch the bleeding. By far the busiest snowmobile Saturday I’ve seen in Indian Lake in a long time! They were all over the place like swarms of locusts. You can see a small sample of the Saturday horde by clicking here.

I’ve still got 2+ feet at the stick Sunday morning, so trails are certainly still rideable for the duration of the holiday weekend, but the mid-winter luster is just a memory…


Weather outlook for the upcoming week is NOT in our favor. Moral of the story, get out and ride it NOW!

For the ilsnow nation,


This report is brought to you by Adirondacks Speculator Region Chamber of Commerce. Speculator has long been one of my favorite places to ride! There are lots of options, whether you want to ride around Speculator for the day, or launch a 250 mile mega-miler. Speculator is loaded with businesses eager to cater to snowmobilers. Look them up at the Speculator Chamber and grab a copy of their snowmobile trail map. Be sure to tell them that Darrin @ sent you.

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Mega-Miler! Ride 2/16/17