Mountain Market

And so it begins! Update 12/4/16

UPDATE 12/5/16: We picked up 3 inches of snow late Sunday night into Monday morning, another move in the right direction! ๐Ÿ™‚

The brutally long off-season ends at sundown, Sunday December 4th with the conclusion of big game hunting season for Hamilton and northern Herkimer Counties!

We’ve got some snow the past couple of days amounting to an wind-blown inch here in Indian Lake. From Moose River Plains into the Western Adirondacks, the webcams are showing about 3-6 inches of snow cover.

At any rate, there isn’t really enough snow to give it a rip yet. In fact, the gates to Moose River Plains will be closed until there is enough snow to ride it:

What about Snodeo?

In last week’s video, I thought it was a solid 2 out of 3 likelihood that Old Forge would have “ride-able” snow for Snodeo.

If anything, my confidence is increasing with opportunities galore coming up this week. I’m not sure we’ll have one “biggie” but I suspect that Moose River Plains into the Western Adirondacks will have snow-pack a foot or more deep by Friday.

I have cut a new video highlighting this week’s snow opportunities here:

Snodeo Outlook Part 2: ilsnow storm center 12/4/16

Indian Lake Snowarriors

The Snowarriors report that memberships are down from last year, most likely as the result of last year’s “missing in action” winter.

I know a lot of people are probably waiting for snow before joining a club and registering their snowmobiles. Don’t do that! Clubs need your membership support NOW. You know you’re going to ride anyway. Get it done!

The easiest way to join is to click here, then pick out “Indian Lake Snowarriors.”

If you are already a member of the Indian Lake Snowarriors and would like to help us groom the trails this winter,ย send an email toย

The Snowarriors are a club on the rise. I can assure your time and money will be put to good use when you join.

For the ilsnow nation,


This report is brought to you by Progressive Motorsports, celebrating their 24th year. They live, eat and breathe snowmobiling. Stop in today and see for yourself! Be sure to tell Karen that Darrin @ sent ya! ๐Ÿ˜‰

If you find my posts valuable, please consider making a donation to help me keep the good times rolling! ๐Ÿ™‚

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Snodeo Update: 12/9/16

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Early Snodeo Outlook: Update 11/28/16