Ohio Tavern and Restaurant

Midweek Update 1/21/16

Hey, got another update here! Town of Indian Lake groomed trail S84 all the way through to Old Stage trail and Blue Mountain Rest. It may not be the best ride with the low snow conditions, but you could make a run from Indian Lake to Newcomb and have a half-way decent time.

I didn’t see groomer marks going to Sabael or Cedar River Headquarters on C8, but there is probably not much that can be done with those trails until we get a decent dump of snow. Both trails were horrible last weekend.

As for Moose River Plains, the Town’s Piston Bully was not parked at its customary spot by the end of Cedar River Road. So I don’t know whether or not Indian Lake is grooming its side of the Plains out to Silver Run. If it hasn’t been groomed, watch out because it was nasty last weekend. Inlet has been grooming its side of the Plains.

LAKES: The cold weather is making ice on the lakes day and night and people have been riding the lakes. But the risk is all yours and there is little snow on the ice for traction and cooling.

Weekend Outlook:

No snow in the forecast, so expect marginal conditions. Best riding conditions will be found in Perkins Clearing, Powley Road and perhaps the Newcomb trail from S84 up to the Newcomb-T.

For the ilsnow nation,


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Darrin rides to Newcomb: Update 1/22/16

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Midweek Update 1/20/16