Adirondack Trail Motel

My early thoughts for Winter 2015-16

The building El Niño is big news! I certainly don’t want to downplay it in regards to what might happen this winter.

But there is another big player on the board: the warm phase of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO+) which has deepened the drought in the western United States and was largely responsible for our brutally cold heart of last winter. Yes, the warm PDO is still massive and probably not going away!

In the video, I search for analogue years with historically strong El Niño and big time warm PDO and explain what that might mean for the upcoming winter:

ilsnow storm center 8/17/15

Let me be clear in that we don’t have the whole picture yet. But I do believe we have at least a couple pieces of the puzzle. As the fall progresses, we’ll need to monitor the advance of snow pack in Siberia.

As always, you can express your approval or disapproval in the comments section.

For the ilsnow nation,


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