We’re still standing: Update 12/18/14 | ilsnow.com
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We’re still standing: Update 12/18/14

Wilder Performance

Wednesday’s “Thaw” didn’t really do much damage. I only got 0.05 inches of rain in the precipitation bucket and temperatures got up to about 37*F for a short time.

We picked up a half-inch of snow Wednesday night at the ilsnow storm center. Based on what I saw of the web cams, Moose River Plains into the western Adirondacks got a thicker coating of white paint, enough to freshen things up a bit.

Snow pack is upwards of 10-11 inches at the ilsnow storm center. You can see by the picture that we’ve still got snow:


Most of the snow got knocked off the trees, which is probably a good thing.

Weekend Outlook:

We won’t get much snow before the weekend, but at least we won’t lose any more. The possible nor’easter for Sunday has been taken off the table, which eliminates traveling concerns but leaves us wanting for more snow.

If you want to ride this weekend, hit Moose River Plains directly from the Brown’s farm parking lot on Cedar River Road or attack Perkins Clearing Road from the south end parking lot and work your way up to the back side of Perking Clearing via Mud Lake Road. Excellent riding was reported in Perkins Clearing last weekend and early this week. Remember that the north end of Perkins Clearing Road down to just past the Jessup River bridge is plowed for logging this winter.

Update 12/19/14: Moose River Plains has been groomed by Indian Lake and Inlet this week. Good riding has been reported out there.

I would recommend leaving the Speculator and Indian Lake local trails and other “woods” trails alone for now: too many mud holes and not enough fresh snow to groom.


Extended Outlook:

For the lack of true cold air over the past week, we have been really fortunate to maintain our snow pack. But the devil may have his due by Wednesday as we could be on the warm side of a powerful storm moving through the Great Lakes.

After the rains, we could be setting up for a strong lake effect snow event for the western Adirondacks around Christmas and a bit after. That wouldn’t help Indian Lake or Speculator much, but could nicely replenish Moose River Plains and perhaps Perkins Clearing.

For the ilsnow nation,


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Riding in ilsnow land: Update 12/15/14