Screamen Eagle

7th Annual Adirondack Trails Conference

There will be DEC, APA and NYSSA and local government officials under one roof at this gathering. This is an excellent time to ask questions about anything snowmobiling in the Adirondacks, especially in regards to how the State is going to handle snowmobile access to the former Finch, Pruyn lands.

Over the past several years, cooperation between the snowmobiling community and the State has improved dramatically.

It remains true that the Adirondacks have the most restrictive laws governing snowmobile trail construction and maintenance in New York State. But DEC has demonstrated a willingness to help us, within the framework of the rules. We may not get everything we want, but the needle is pointing the right direction.

I have been to the previous two trail conferences and gathered some great information each time. The conversations with groomer operators and fellow snowmobilers is fun. It’s a great reminder that snowmobiling is indeed a 12 month sport when you take the preparation into account.

A prior commitment will prevent me from attending this year’s trail conference. But if you can make it, I’d recommend going to the conference and meet some of the players involved in Adirondack snowmobiling.


7th Annual Adirondack Trails Conference
When: Saturday 05.17.2014 10:00 AM
Where: The Adirondack Hotel – Long Lake
Category: Trail Coordination


Adirondack-area clubs (and any other snowmobiler interested in ADK snowmobile trail issues);

The 7th Annual Adirondack Trails Conference will be held on Sat., May 17th at 10:00 am in the dining room at The Adirondack Hotel, Long Lake, NY. RSVPs are required to be made to save a seat and get a head-count. Please reply to asap.

The meeting will have most of the ADK area DEC officials there to meet and work directly with club reps on issues surrounding snowmobile trails within β€œthe blue line”. Work Plans, signage, understanding both sides of the regulations, and other pertinent issues will be discussed. Coffee and cookies will be served as refreshments.

Direct ALL inqueries and RSVPs in regards to the ADK Trail Conference to:

Jim Rolf
Trails Coordinator
New York State Snowmobile Association
PO Box 1040 Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040
888-624-3849 Ext. 102
Fax 888-317-2441
Cell 315-335-0791

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