Screamen Eagle

Ride out to Lake Durant 3/31/14

Diehard Season? Fat Lady Singing? Whatever… I’m riding!

I capitalized on a little after work riding opportunity and was not disappointed.

The Indian Lake inner village trails had small studders, but the base was holding up well. Even places that are normally cooked to dirt still held a good base this evening. The Bear Trap Swamp was a water and slush pit, but that was fun to slosh through. 🙂 The usual “nice” hangouts like 42nd and Broadway, Little Canada and Ski Hut trails were still in great shape.

Lake Adirondack was a slushy crossing, but I easily powered my way through it. Benton Road had enough snow and ice to make the connection from 42nd and Broadway to the rest of the village trails once I got into the shade.

S84 out to Blue Mountain provided the best spring ride I had on that trail in YEARS! The usual exposed spots were scuffed down to dirt in a few places, but largely still held a good base. Once I got over the top, there was nice riding most of the way to Lake Durant. There were only a couple of significant water/loose ice spots I had to respect.

At Rock Lake, I was treated to this splendid sunset:

Rock Lake Sunset

Old Stage Trail was probably the best ride I had on it all season over to the Lake Durant Road. I cut down to Lake Durant and it appeared really slushy. The dummy in me decided to rip that lake anyway. Almost immediately, the slush was up to my running boards and the belt was squealing like a stuck pig. I did the wide U-turn and barely got off that slush pit. Grateful for the second chance to make a wise decision, I doubled back to town on the Ole Stage trail.

Not a big ride, but it didn’t have to be. I know I’ve got at least a few more rides before I hang it up.


Midweek Outlook:

Mild days, cold nights and no significant rain for the week will ensure the diehards and local vultures will have their day. Perkins Clearing, Moose River Plains and the Powley Road will probably offer your best shot at sustained good riding, but other places will be in play also. I will attempt to find out if/when the Town of Indian Lake Highway department plans to plow the trail from the end of Cedar River Road to Headquarters in preparation for fishing season.

As for the lakes, the chief danger is getting horrible stuck in slush as opposed to actually breaking through the ice. Either one really sucks, so use your better judgement and stay off the ice if you have any doubts.

Surrounding areas like Old Forge/Inlet permit trails, Ohio, Warren County, St Lawrence County and Mulleyville are closed. But here in the heart of ilsnow land, we ride until the snow runs out or we just lose our desire to ride. If you want to say you ride in April, here’s your shot at it!

Let the strong April sun be your friend and loosen up the icy/frozen granular surface enough to keep your slides and heat exchangers happily cool. By about 9-10AM you should be good to go! Ice scratchers and studs would be helpful for the early morning hard conditions.

Where to park in Indian Lake village:

The usual parking lot by the Indian Lake town garage is baked down to mud and you’ll have some painful road riding to reach the trails. Alternatively, you can park at the old landfill at the end of Pelon Road (take the right at the Y instead of the usual left for the Town garage) for direct access to 42nd and Broadway. Past the gate, go straight to hit the back side of Benton Road and then the remainder of the snowmobile trail system. Hanging a right immediately past the gate would dump you down onto Lake Adirondack.

Or, you can park at the Ole Swimming Hole at the end of Benton Road and hit the trails from there. Another alternative would be parking at the Northville/Lake Placid trail head just past the Lake Durant Campgrounds and the Ranger’s living quarters. You can hit S84, Old Stage trail and Newcomb trail directly from there.

For Perkins Clearing, Mason Lake parking lot is usually the best place to start from.

Darrin @

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Diehard ride to S84/Lake Durant 4/2/14

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Diehard season is upon us! Update 3/30/14