Ohio Tavern and Restaurant

Trail Report 1/16/14 & Annual Ice Fishing Derby

Many parts of ilsnow land picked up a fresh inch or two of white paint since yesterday. It’s enough to make things pretty again, but not enough to make a major difference.


A seemingly endless train of minor snows will parade over ilsnow land the next several days. This is good news for those who don’t mind scratching their way through the diehard hangouts like Perkins Clearing, Moose River Plains or Powley Road.

Unfortunately, there won’t be much help for the narrow wooded trails surrounding Indian Lake and Speculator. If you come up here to ride, you’ll need to be really careful and be on the look-out for washout hazards and rocks.

Lakes are at your own risk riding, especially near inlets and outlets. Indian Lake has risen nearly 2 feet since January 11th, compromising the shoreline ice.


The annual Central Adirondack Ice Fishing Derby is still ON for this Saturday the 18th, full steam ahead! Ice was reported to be at least a foot thick on Lake Adirondack. As of yesterday evening, about 165 people have already signed up with a limit of 195. All details, including contest rules and registration form can be found at the following link: http://www.indianlakefishandgame.com/


There are no obvious opportunities for major snows, but it will certainly be cold! We gotta start somewhere…

Darrin @ ilsnow.com

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