Alicia C. Miller Real Estate

Indian Lake SnoCade Competition Underway

SnoCadeSnoCade is coming to Indian Lake on February 14-23, 2014 and the organizers are looking for a logo design. Anyone can enter the contest and the winner will receive a $25 prize. All entries have an opportunity to be on display during a gallery show at the Town of Indian Lake Library during the event.

SnoCade will be a snowmobiling-oriented event that is part of the Indian Lake Winter Fest. In addition to Winter Fest’s many activities (duck tape sled races, circus, tricky tray). SnoCade will also have snowmobile rides, radar runs and uphill climb races. There will also be: snowshoeing, Forever SnoCade (comedy performance), concerts, and dining opportunities galore (you might even have a chance to learn a new recipe). The Adirondack Almanack‘s John Warren will present a talk and slide show on the history of snowmobiling in the Adirondacks at the Adirondack Museum’s Cabin Fever Program on February 16.

SnoCade logo submissions can be sent to  Print entries can be dropped off at the Indian Lake Town Hall. Entries must be no larger than 17″ x 11″ in either portrait or landscape formats. All entries must be original art and in no part previously created material. Owner of the entries will retain rights, but give to SnoCade unlimited and unencumbered rights of use for the purposes of identifying and promoting SnoCade in any media.

To qualify, entries must be submitted by noon on December 3, 2013.  Only one entry is allowed per participant and must be the original art and work of the submitter.The main theme is: “let’s make the Town of Indian Lake be perceived as “Snowmobile Central” in the Adirondacks. Let’s make tracks.”

Artist Joann Quinlivan and former Founder, President and Marketing Partner of AD-TECH Communications, Bill Quinlivan, will judge the entries.

Questions can be directed to

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