Adirondack Trail Motel

Essex Chain Lakes Call to Action!

Essex Chain LakesUPDATE 9/16/13: APA has put off classification decision for Essex Chain Lakes and Indian River tracts until October or November. This buys us more time to make our views known to APA Commissioners!

Indian Lake Town Supervisor Brian Wells attended the August APA meeting and was extremely displeased over how the APA staff fed the public feedback to the APA Commissioners.

Supervisor Wells felt compelled to write a letter to APA Chairwoman Leilani Ulrich, which I will share the top excerpts as reported by Hamilton County Express:

  • “I have never attended an informational meeting that was so slanted and biased towards one side of an issue, from APA Planning Director James Connolly beginning with his personal agenda showing, through Special Assistant, Economic Affairs Dan Kelleher’s economic study that was so contrived to represent one point that it was totally useless as an economic guideline.”
  • “There were so many inaccuracies that were presented during this State Land Committee meeting that I am truly suspect of what was prepared for you and the commissioners.”
  • “From the public hearings you attended, you heard the local people speak out for access and connectivity to other communities. I felt none of this was presented in a fair way; only after the most restrictive solution was announced in a loud voice, the least restrictive was announced in a whisper.”

The overwhelming turnout at the public meetings in favor of Wild Forest classification for the Essex Chain Lakes and Indian River tracts was partially muted by the massive professional letter writing campaign launched by the environmental groups seeking the Wilderness classification, to keep us out. As a result of that, and possible personal agenda by APA staff, our side was not given its fair representation to the APA Commissioners.

The next APA Commissioners’ meeting is September 12th and 13th at Ray Brook, which give us another chance to make our voice heard. But the Commissioners need to hear from us directly, not filtered by APA staff.

If this doesn’t motivate you, nothing will:
Exposé on the “Southern Gateway” into the Essex Chain Lakes tract

Even if you submitted written or spoken commentary during the public hearing period, please write DIRECTLY to the APA Commissioners and skip the middle men:

Leilani Ulrich, Chair, and Members
NYS Adirondack Park Agency
PO Box 99
Ray Brook, NY 12977

Copy your letter to DEC Commissioner Joseph Martens, because he needs to hear from us:

Joseph Martens
Commissioner, DEC

625 Broadway
Albany, NY 12233-1011

Last, but certainly not least, remind Governor Cuomo to keep the word that he gave at his press conference last year when he signed the big check. APA’s recommendation must cross HIS desk before it becomes law!

“Adding these properties to the Forest Preserve protects the incomparable and breathtaking natural resources of this region and preserves a significant portion of the Upper Hudson River watershed,” Governor Cuomo said. “Today’s agreement will make the Adirondack Park one of the most sought after destinations for paddlers, hikers, hunters, sportspeople and snowmobilers. Opening these lands to public use and enjoyment for the first time in 150 years will provide extraordinary new outdoor recreational opportunities, increase the number of visitors to the North Country and generate additional tourism revenue…..There will be snowmobiling trails where they didn’t exist before.”

The Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo
Governor of New York State
NYS State Capitol Building
Albany, NY 12224

Phone: (518) 474-8390

All letters must ask for Wild Forest classification for the ENTIRE Essex Chain Lakes and Indian River tracts with NO re-classification of Blue Mountain Wild Forest into Wilderness.

Supervisor Wells and other local officials have done a tremendous job of fighting for our cause, but they need OUR help. Get this done before September 12th!

Thank you,

Darrin @

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