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D.R.A.G. of Speculator Needs Our Help!

D.R.A.G. of SpeculatorFrom D.R.A.G. of Speculator

UPDATE 9/16/13: Speculator Village Board will NOT close the sidewalk trail until a suitable alternative route is found. Thanks to all who showed up at the Village Board meeting to make our views known!

In April 2013, the Village of Speculator sent a letter to the DEC informing them that the Village was going to clear the sidewalks along Rt 30 & 8 and the snowmobile trail that services all of the local businesses would be shutdown.

The Village did not indicate that they would provide any alternate route to these businesses despite being sued and losing a court ruling years back for doing the exact same thing. In response to the Village letter, D.R.A.G. of Speculator wrote to both the Town of Lake Pleasant and the Village stating,

“D.R.A.G. of Speculator is committed to providing safe trail access to all businesses located in Speculator and will assist both the Town of Lake Pleasant and the Village of Speculator in implementing a resolution to this situation however we are not in a position to lead this initiative.”

Speculator Sidewalk Trail (LP4A)

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The Village of Speculator has invited us to attend the next Board of Trustees meeting at the Speculator Village Hall on September 16th at 7:00 pm. We encourage all public to attend to voice your opinion regarding this issue, especially the businesses located in the Village that will be economically impacted by this decision.

See you there,

Bob Carr,
D.R.A.G. of Speculator Co-founder

The Sidewalk trail (LP4A) is the ONLY snowmobile trail connection from Lake Pleasant into the Village of Speculator when the River trail (LP4) is flooded over!

If you can not attend this meeting, you can contact Speculator Mayor Letty J. Rudes 518-548-7354 to express your displeasure at this apparent anti-snowmobiling policy.

Alternatively you can express your opinion to the village clerk at:
fax: 518-548-2774
Snail mail to: 2875 State Route 8, P. O. Box 396, Speculator, NY 12164.

Also call or send a copy to the Speculator Chamber of Commerce
phone: 518-548-4521
fax: 518-548-4905

There is some heated discussion at D.R.A.G. of Speculator’s Facebook page and bulletin board. What do you think? Do you plan on attending the meeting?

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