Blue Mountain Rest

My letter to Governor Cuomo

Dear Governor Cuomo:

Re: Chain Lakes and Indian River Tracts

In regards to the former Finch & Pruyn land recently acquired by the State of New York,
I ask you to keep your word given at your press conference August 5, 2012 when you signed that large check:

“Adding these properties to the Forest Preserve protects the incomparable and breathtaking natural resources of this region and preserves a significant portion of the Upper Hudson River watershed. Today’s agreement will make the Adirondack Park one of the most sought after destinations for paddlers, hikers, hunters, sportspeople and snowmobilers. Opening these lands to public use and enjoyment for the first time in 150 years will provide extraordinary new outdoor recreational opportunities, increase the number of visitors to the North Country and generate additional tourism revenue…..There will be snowmobiling trails where they didn’t exist before.”

Unfortunately, none of the options presented by Adirondack Park Agency would allow snowmobile use through Indian Lake’s “Southern Gateway” into the Chain Lakes tract from Chain Lakes Road. With the existing network of roads throughout the tracts, the only acceptable classification would be Wild Forest for the entire Indian River and Chain Lakes tracts with no re-classification of Blue Mountain Wild Forest into Wildnerness. Anything short of that would break your promise to open these lands for the public use that you envision. With the network of roads and previous logging, this land does not qualify for Wilderness classification. Wild Forest classification would provide sufficient protection under the Forever Wild clause.

Please use the power vested in you as Governor of New York State to direct Adirondack Park Agency to act in the best interest of the greatest number of people for the longest amount of time. The towns of the central Adirondacks desperately need solutions that will help us now and for the decades to follow. Allowing access to only hikers and paddlers and allowing the roads to go to waste would be sinful mismanagement of the $50 million that taxpayers shelled out when the State purchased this land.


Darrin W. Harr
Indian Lake, NY


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It’s not too late: Tell Governor Cuomo what we want for Essex Chain Lakes tract!

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Exposé on the “Southern Gateway” into the Essex Chain Lakes tract