Indian Lake Restaurant

We’re not done yet!

Adirondack Park Agency’s (APA) public meetings are finished. The snowmobiling community has done an excellent job in coming out to the meetings and asking for Wild Forest classification for the entire Chain Lakes and Indian River tracts.

But our work is not done yet! We have until July 19th to submit our written comments to the APA. Letters count as much as spoken comments at the meetings.

You don’t need to be anybody’s poet. Even if the extent of your letter writing is just notes on cocktail napkins at O’Malley’s, you can do this!

your own words, snowmobilers must tell APA and Governor Cuomo that we need Wild Forest Classification for the ENTIRE Chain Lakes and Indian River tracts with NO re-classification of Blue Mountain Wild Forest into Wilderness. Unfortunately, this option was not presented by Adirondack Park Agency at their public meetings.

Governor Cuomo can force the Adirondack Park Agency to take their plans back to the drawing board. That makes it imperative for us to flood the Governor’s office with our phone calls, emails, and letters.  Remind Governor Cuomo of his promise:

“Adding these properties to the Forest Preserve protects the incomparable and breathtaking natural resources of this region and preserves a significant portion of the Upper Hudson River watershed,” Governor Cuomo said. “Today’s agreement will make the Adirondack Park one of the most sought after destinations for paddlers, hikers, hunters, sportspeople and snowmobilers. Opening these lands to public use and enjoyment for the first time in 150 years will provide extraordinary new outdoor recreational opportunities, increase the number of visitors to the North Country and generate additional tourism revenue…..There will be snowmobiling trails where they didn’t exist before.”

Whether you contact APA or Governor Cuomo, include your full name and town of residence to ensure that your letter, email or fax can be accepted as legitimate commentary. Even if you spoke at a meeting, send a letter or email. You know there are some points you missed in your speech. 😉

If you haven’t seen APA’s Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the new State land, I suggest you click here to download and read it. It’s a large (6.45MB) PDF file that could take a few minutes to download on slower internet connections. There is a lot of interesting reading which could provide some needed “ammo” to our letters.

Contact Adirondack Park Agency:

James E. Connolly, Deputy Director, Planning

Adirondack Park Agency

Post Office Box 99

Ray Brook, NY 12977

Fax: (518) 891-3938


Contact Governor Cuomo:

The Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo

Governor of New York State

NYS State Capitol Building

Albany, NY 12224

Phone: (518) 474-8390


Don’t put this off. DO IT TODAY!

Darrin @

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