Mountain Market

Chain Lakes Tract: Looking deeper into Alternative 4B

Adirondack Park Agency (APA) is holding a series of public meetings through early July in regards to proposed classification of former Finch, Pruyn tracts acquired by the State. Out of the four State land classification options, only one allows for functional snowmobiling: Wild Forest. The other three land classification options (Wilderness, Primitive, and Canoe) limit snowmobiling to within 500 feet of a highway or Wilderness/Primitive/Canoe Area boundary.

Alternative 4B is being touted as the most snowmobiling-friendly of the options presented by APA with the greatest expanse of Wild Forest land. This appears great at first blush, but there are bad surprises for those who don’t look closely at the maps!

This map shows the recently acquired tracts in relation to existing State land classification areas. The dashed line through the Indian River Tract and the network of dashed lines throughout the Chain Lakes Tract are roads:

Chain Lakes Tract
Here is the so called “Wild Forest” option, Alternative 4B:

Chain Lakes Tract
Roads surrounding the Chain Lakes would provide a ready made network of snowmobile trails accessible by the present Blue Mountain-Newcomb trail (538). However, note that the southern and eastern flank of the Chain Lakes Tract would be classified as Wilderness (shown by the dark green) and adjacent portions of the Blue Mountain Wild Forest would be reclassified as Wilderness! That would prevent direct snowmobile access into the Chain Lakes Tract via Chain Lakes Road/Gooley Club Road from the Town of Indian Lake in the winter and ANY motorized vehicle or mountain bike use year-round through that same corridor. People who live or stay in Indian Lake would have limited access.

Wilderness classification for the Chain Lakes Tract and Indian River Tract would be wrong!

  • This area was a working timber harvest farm for 150 years with a network of roads before the State bought this land. Wilderness classification would be over-kill. Wild Forest classification would provide sufficient protection.
  • Governor Andrew Cuomo promised there would be NEW snowmobiling opportunities on this land. Wilderness classification would break that promise.

    “Adding these properties to the Forest Preserve protects the incomparable and breathtaking natural resources of this region and preserves a significant portion of the Upper Hudson River watershed,” Governor Cuomo said. “Today’s agreement will make the Adirondack Park one of the most sought after destinations for paddlers, hikers, hunters, sportspeople and
    snowmobilers. Opening these lands to public use and enjoyment for the first time in 150 years will provide extraordinary new outdoor recreational opportunities, increase the number of visitors to the North Country and generate additional tourism revenue…..There will be snowmobiling trails where they didn’t exist before.”
    – Governor Cuomo; August 5, 2012

Bottom line: Alternative 4B is the best option presented by Adirondack Park Agency, but it does not go far enough. I will be telling APA and our State officials that Chain Lakes Tract and Indian River Tract need to be classified entirely as Wild Forest and that NONE of the adjacent Wild Forest should be reclassified as Wilderness. This is ONLY option that would simultaneously:

  • Protect the beauty and character of the Adirondacks that we know and love
  • Allow the most people to enjoy that beauty
  • Provide economic benefit to the central Adirondack region year-round.

Let’s stand up for our favorite winter pastime! Attend and speak at the meetings, contact APA and our State officials and spread the word to ALL of your snowmobiling friends. The meeting at Newcomb was a packed house and I want to see the same thing at Indian Lake on Tuesday the 25th!

You can check out this video from the APA Meeting at Ray Brook on June 12th to see how these meetings are run.

Here is the remaining public meeting schedule:

Tuesday, June 25, 2013
6:00 pm
Indian Lake Central School
6345 NYS Route 30
Indian Lake, NY

Monday, July 1, 2013
7:00 pm
The Harley School
1981 Clover Street
Rochester, NY

Tuesday, July 2, 2013
1:00 pm
625 Broadway
Albany, NY

Tuesday, July 2, 2013
7:00 pm
Warren County Board of Supervisors Room
Warren County Offices
1340 State Route 9
Lake George, NY

Written comments must be submitted by mail, fax, or email
by July 19th, 2013, to:

James E. Connolly, Deputy Director, Planning
Adirondack Park Agency
Post Office Box 99
Ray Brook, NY 12977

Fax: (518) 891-3938

You can also express your opinion to our State officials:

The Honorable Governor Andrew Cuomo
Governor of New York State
NYS State Capitol Building
Albany, NY 12224
Contact form

Deputy Secretary Dede Scozzafava
Department of State
1 Commerce Plaza
99 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12231

Find your New York State Senator here.

Find your New York State Assembly Member here

Thank you,

Darrin @

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