Alicia C. Miller Real Estate State of the Union Address’s final web stats for the 2012-13 season were pretty amazing:

  • Over 2 million page views
  • Over 14 million hits
  • Youtube snowmobile ride videos viewed over 8300 times

In addition, the Facebook page has over 1400 “likes” and the bulletin board has over 1600 registered members.

It takes much hard work and time to provide the most accurate and timely snowmobiling information. But none of that matters without your support and interest. I thank YOU for helping to make your best stop for all things snowmobiling in the Adirondacks!

I am already gunning for next winter and would appreciate suggestions on how to further improve this web site. Whatever you like, please leave a Facebook comment or email me directly at

Thank you!

Darrin @

If you find my posts valuable, please consider making a donation to help me keep the good times rolling! 🙂

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APA Public Hearing for Gooley Club Property at Indian Lake Central School Gymnasium set for Tuesday, June 25th

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